List of Disney Movies in the 2000s

1 The Lion King The Lion King Product Image

Lion King, literally nothing else. Although I have 10 votes, I am only voting for this. Sure I'm biased, but it seems to me like the majority of people agree this is one outstanding film. Literally what else could you want in a movie. I'm not going to go into full detail since, I pretty much am going to say what thousands of others have already said. Great score and songs, spectacular animation, likeable and well-made characters, etc. I have seen a multitude of films and TV shows, and there are very few, and I mean VERY VERY FEW movies or TV shows that I would say have better quality than Lion King. This is the literal closest Disney has gotten to perfection and probably will ever get to.

The Lion King (1994) was a great movie! Although I've watched it several times during childhood it's still great to watch every once in a while. The saddest part in the movie was when Simba's dad, Mufasa, was murdered in a stampede and it was all Scar's fault. I really hated Scar, he was so selfish and only cared about himself being the king.

There's a thousand reasons for The Lion King to be the BEST!

It has everything!
Blend of every element...
Adventure, comedy,family, royalty, friendship, pride , tragedy ...
It's a Blockbuster

Best soundtrack
It's the Circle of Life and Can you feel the love tonight are epic

Be prepared is the best Villain song

And what to say about Hakuna Matata?
It means no worries...

And I just can't wait...
To be King!

Best original storyline
One of the best Disney duo(Timon and Pumba)
Everyone's favorite Simba
Mufasa is the best Disney Dad

Scar is the most evil Villain of all time

And who doesn't cry at the death of Mufasa?

It's the Best!
The most epic Disney movie of all time!

Here's how I think this list should have been made (in MY OWN opinion):
1. The Lion King, hands down. Nothing can dethrone this.

2. Aladdin, obviously. Amazing plot, amazing villain, amazing Robin Williams, and no it's not just about him. This movie overall is one of the best, regardless.

3. Oliver & Company. Surprised? Well, hear me out. When talking about my FAVORITE Disney movie, this one takes it. When talking about what I believe to be the BEST, it lands itself here in my book. Why? Because compared to most other Disney movies, it has much more of a realistic feel to it. It also has really great morals, such as how you can find love and hope anywhere no matter what situation you're put through. If you haven't watched this movie, you need to. You'll get what I mean once you do.

4. 101 Dalmatians. Seriously, how can this one be so low on here? I find the plot of this to be one of the most intense and epic story lines in Disney history.

5. I'd say a ...more

2 Aladdin Aladdin Product Image

Aladdin is amazing. Also Aladdin is way better than Lion king. Especially The live action film. But I still think frozen was better

Aladdin is a great animation feature, still have the first Lunch Box ever got to receive and it is an Aladdin one with the picture and the title still intact. The characters are real human and believable with each striving for things that would seem unfathomable and yet the miracle happens and are won a true fine finish. There is evil but the poor Aladdin becomes wealthy and Jasmine lowers the level complex and reach true admiration then together defeat that evil. Relationships and intrigues to follow through seems to change every time how they behave and maybe why they do so in those ways. Real rich presentation wish it the best for the sagas and the characters to succeed as they should. The castle, the carpet, the lamp, the genie, and the look out point are all magical details that play important roles in this feature animation as well. Good characters once again the dynamic and fluid nature of the Arabic couple are amazing. Interesting and smart to the sight or just hang to some of ...more

I love Aladdin because the genie and Jasmine and Aladdin all of the characters are just so great and they do amazing acting

Yes! Aladdin, unlike The Lion King, actually deserves its spot on this list. I usually had bad things to say about this movie before, as when I was in preschool, we would watch Aladdin every, single, day! It just got boring. But after watching it again now, I realized how great a movie it was. I thought that it had an amazing performance by Robin Williams, and a great animation style, that makes it an unforgettable movie.

3 Toy Story Toy Story Product Image

Toy story in my opinion should be more than first. The whole trilogy is just a series of great color and emotoin. The characters are the most brave and kind hearted disney characters in all of movie history. And they are just toys but everything in this movie makes perfect sense and just thinking about this awesome disney movie makes my heart melt and my soul turn to jelly. This is the BEST disney movie of all time!

This and Mulan is my all time favorite Disney movie. It is about beautiful friendship and the humour is hands down the best in the whole Disney universe. It is also a big part of my childhood and made me cry after the last movie which none of all Disney movies ever did.

I take back my vote for frozen. Although I love frozen I love love LOVE toy story. This is the best Disney movie ever. I really love the friendship that grows between buzz and woody. Plus the end was just flat out funny. The characters were all really funny.

I'm not trying to be a buzzkill, but even though this is presented by Disney and directed by John Lasseter, is it a Pixar movie, and was made long before Pixar became a part of Disney. So this technically isn't even a Disney movie. It's still, amazing, though.

4 Beauty and the Beast Beauty and the Beast Product Image

"Tale as old as time..." Beauty and the Beast remains my favorite Disney animated feature of all time for countless reasons. First, the animation, though not sophisticated by today's standards, is absolutely gorgeous. The dialogue and songs speak volumes as does the spirited, spunky, intelligent, kind, and yes beautiful book- loving heroine Belle. She really is the epitome of a modern woman in 17th Century France. The Beast and his enchanted castle and subjects add the mythical elements sought by fantasy/adventure fans who like to explore parallel universes and thrive on adventure and action.
Second, the themes explored in this dynamic gem including "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" (totally intended cliche) resonate with all ages and validate the central theme of belonging, acceptance, and love.
The idea that Belle can see beyond the surface is a praiseworthy feat which we all wish we ourselves could employ without question as she does with such faith: driven by her love ...more

Beauty and the Beast is not only the best Disney film, but also the greatest animated film of all time. This is indisputable. Never before have the characters been so relatable and perfectly written before in a Disney film. The Renaissance that began with The Little Mermaid skyrocketed to unbelievable heights with this film. It was also just a hair away from beating "Silence of the Lambs" for Best Picture at the 1992 Oscars.

At my school we did the musical Beauty and the Beast and I was Belle. I will never forget it, not only b/c I was the lead, but b/c it is such a good story and the message is empowering. The characters are definitely the best part, though, especially Gaston, Lumiere, Belle, and, well, all of them! This and Mulan have got to be the best Disney movies.

The lead song Beauty and the Beast is sung by the wonderful Angela Landsbury . This is my all time favorite love movie , I even had the nightshirt and the sleeping bag when I was 4 .

5 Big Hero 6 Big Hero 6 Product Image

Me when I was watching the movie nowadays: Is that a figurine of Bolt in one of the scenes? Damn, that movie's way too underrated!
Oh wait, this is basically Bolt with a dumbfounded robot. Meh. Still like both Bolt and this movie.

I cried at the end with Baymax! It's a great story, and there is a real plot line. Frozen is good, it's just a little bit cheesy, we focus more on Anna's love story more than the reunion and love between two sisters. Whereas in Big Hero 6, it focuses on Hiro getting revenge on the person who murdered his brother, living his life the way his brother would've wanted, and more importantly making him realize that killing someone else because they killed Tadashi isn't the right thing to do. It has good morals, and explores the trauma and growth of how a teenager goes on in life, after losing the last member of their biological family. (Aunt Cass is extended family)


Funny world, Frozen is overrated for crying out loud. This is one of the bests! The only reason you see Frozen bags being worn by grade schoolers are because:
1. It was released earlier
2. There were too many ads/promotions
3. They totally didn't promote Big Hero 6
And fun fact: Somebody dies here! like, for the first time in forever :3 I loved how different it was..
Also, even if this wasn't promoted, why is it nearly on the same fame levels as Frozen, well that's because it climbed the fame meter just because of how amazing it was and not numerous promotions and ads.

I usually am not such a great fan of Disney movies because of the fact that at the end, everything eventually ends well. But this movie is so much different than the classic Disney stories, which makes it better. The storyline was composed in a more realistic and new way, that even the older audience was amused by the film. Anyway, if you want to watch a good movie made by Disney, then, I definitely suggest you to watch this one. It's something else.

6 The Little Mermaid The Little Mermaid Product Image

This movie is really touching and emotional. It shows how sometimes you don't want what you have, and how there are better things out there. People say Ariel was ungrateful for what she had but it's not her fault she wants more out of life. And they say that she and Eric didn't have chemistry but they did after they bounded. And come on, how can you not love her song? (Part of Your World) It's such a beautiful song and it's so inspiring. Easily the best "I Want" song ever (along with If Only from Descendants).

Like, I didn't watch it now because I'm 10 already, but I like killer whales and spot the orca in the movie makes me happy. I definitely don't like great whites and then the sharks are the bad guys. That makes me double happy. I wouldn't want to watch it totally but I still felt happy about Disney for this. The orca was pretty cute

This can be my most favorite Disney movie of all time! But there's also Pocahontas which people seem to dislike, but I love it! It has a special place in my heart and I have loved it when I was a child too(plus I had a crush on John Smith).Coming back to The Little Mermaid like the most of the Disney movies it has great songs and great songs. It also has one of my fave Disney characters(Sebastian) and one of my fave songs(Part of Your World)Also the animation is beautiful! And it also has my second favorite Disney ending of all time(first is Pocahontas)

Probably one of the most idealistic and unrealistic stories Disney has ever produced, but I really, really enjoyed it as a child. under the sea, part of your world, et cetera have become such classics, and this movie does a great job of teaching kids to ever give up because ANYTHING is possible.

7 The Fox and the Hound The Fox and the Hound Product Image

Warning: This movie contains lovable characters, a heartfelt plot, sweet songs, and excellent animation. Not meant for those who don't want to see a story full of emotion. Do not watch if you don't want to be moved by such a sweet story. Do not watch if you can't handle sad scenes or intense action.

Okay, now that that's over with, in case there was any confusion, all the things above were huge complements. Wonderful movie, no doubt about it. It is a rather tragic tale, but is absolutely enduring and enjoyable. A must-see for fans of animation and Disney.

This movie is the most wonderful thing I've ever seen. It's beautiful, charming, has a great moral, and is absolutely heartwarming! It features great role models, heck even Amos Slade (the closest this movie has to a villain) still has a heart that's touched by his two dogs, and he finally lets Tod live in the end, proving he's not completely heartless. The rest of the movie is even better. When it's not focused being utterly heartwarming, it's something hilarious. I'll give you an example. There's a subplot that involves the two birds Dinky and Boomer trying to catch a caterpillar and they fail in typical cartoon fashion. It goes back to heartwarming though when the caterpillar turns into a butterfly and it goes with the theme of the movie that you should respect nature. This movie is so good it even rivals Pixar's best movies like Toy Story and Finding Nemo!

Aladdin has great songs, and a nice story. But The Fox and the Hound? This is the most heartwarming, adorable, wonderful, beautiful, moving movie I have ever laid my eyes on. It's all about friendship despite differences, and it shows a friendship stronger and more powerful than death! Remember when Tod and Copper first meet? They play together all day, and become fast friends. Then Tod says that they'll be friends forever! It's such a touching scene! And then they play it again (as a voiceover) at the very end. Also if you listen closely, the final 30 seconds features a wistful, triumphant instrumental reprise of Goodbye May Seem Forever. Goodbye may seem forever, farewell is like the end, but in my heart's a memory, and there you'll always be. I cry every time I hear that! (both at the end and during the scene where it's first sung.) Bottom line this should be before Aladdin at #2, because only The Lion King can beat this.

This is my favorite film. This should really be #1. This is the best movie ever. You guys are insane. This deserves to be first or at least second. I mean I like Aladdin and all but it wasn't the absolute best. The Fox and the Hound has a great plot, lovable characters, and a whole lot of heart. From which, some of the things were a huge lack in Aladdin. No offense to Aladdin being a top one but if Aladdin is one of the most popular Disney movies then The Fox and the Hound is just underrated.

8 Tangled Tangled Product Image

It is the first disney movie I watched as a kid and it is still one of the best ones in my heart. I just liked it so much and I adore the love interest, eugene is the best disney "prince" fight me. He's perfect he loves her he would die for her I would totally marry him. (my only regret is that we couldve seen more of the relationship development of the main couple) The villain is really cool and manage be funny and scary, which is all you would want from a disney villain. Rapunzel is really endearing I like her very much! I love her blond hair, but her brown hair is really cute too so stop complaining abt it lol. Anyways, better than frozen (kidding lol but frozen's end was just terrible come on).

Greatest movie ever! A lot of people say that Frozen is better, but I STRONGLY disagree! Frozen is (seen as) a girls movie, anyone can watch Tangled! Boys and anyone over the age of 7 wouldn't want to be caught dead watching Frozen because it's so sappy and babyish! Tangled was the first Disney Princess movie to be made a PG! It's also special to me because it's the first movie I watched at the cinema (I was 5 or 6). And for everyone saying "Well it doesn't actually promote feminism does it? " Neither does Frozen! In Frozen Anna decides to marry the first man she meets (even though she didn't go through with it, it's so damn messed up! ) In Tangled it takes Rapunzel days to even trust Flynn! And the songs in Tangled are incredible! They're not out of place (except for maybe I see the light, but it's still a great song! ) Every. Single. Song in Frozen is so damn sappy and gross!

Tangled is just a great disney movie, characters, animation, dialogue, songs, everything works well and makes for a wonderful time.

Definitely my no. 1 Why? Because I could really feel the emotions between them. The characters were so real (and the animation is just insanely good.. way better than anything you might see before) and you really forget about the world and get completely absorbed by the film. I'm over 30 and I felt like a child watching this one - perfect mixture of good old Disney with some modern humor flavor, sweet and touching.. Thank you Disney, that was a real pleasure!

9 Mulan Mulan Product Image

Mulan is number 3 on my list behind lion king and aladdin. I really hope the world can see the message of this movie. A girl girl willing to sacrifice her life for her family because her father cannot go to war for the family. She shows the strength women possess and if you cannot understand strength and that it does not come in beauty or muscle or whatever but...understanding. that is what makes Mulan an enigma to her own right. The characters that surround her only pop up one in can't describe the development that happens around her. The story draws everything one could feel to be right in there being when choices are to be made...felt so deeply I can only cry, I love this movie to my very depth and hope you all realize the same! love

Mulan is the best Disney movie ever. And my second favourite... (I can't tell you my most favourite)... Mulan deserves better and it should higher.

The best of the disney renaissance in my opinion, Mulan is sweet, charming, and badass in equal measure, and depicts the war with impressive brutality without sacrificing the disney fun.

The most progressive Disney film of all time. A sharp change from the previous standard, Mulan was the first Disney Princess who didn't need to wait on an man to lead her to happiness. It's classic song, "Reflection," encourages young viewers to look deep within oneself to find who they truly are, while the self-empowering, ironically titled, "Make a Man Out of You" teaches young girls that women have the power to achieve anything a man can, and even lead others to victory. This is definitely a top 10 Disney film.

10 Finding Nemo Finding Nemo Product Image

Hands down. Finding Nemo and Lion King are just the best! Both were never done before and it was something completely new and fresh and I love it! Here's why:
Finding Nemo was unique because of the characters. I thought dory was brilliant! A character THAT likable, just wow mate. Even with her flaws, like her memory, were great and we're all part of her brilliant personality! Marlin. Oh man he was done great too. He I think is the character that the parents like and relate to. He had some great jokes in there and I saw all the parents laughing. And don't forget Nemo! I think all the kids liked this guy, or at least I did. His headstrong personality was matted over by his even sweeter traits making him very likable. And don't forget one of the most brilliant characters Disney has come up with... CRUSH! Yes, he only had a small part, but if define you was one of the best parts. I don't know if it's just me because I'm a typical Cali surfer, but this guy was great! Disney turned him ...more

Finding Nemo is a great film! There is also a animated film of finding Nemo which is Finding Dory! Finding Dory is a great film! To be honest I like Finding Dory better than Finding Nemo even though Nemo and Marlin are in Finding Dory and Dory Is in Finding Nemo! You should really check out Finding Dory out if you havn't watched It! Here are some of the characters In Finding Dory:
Thanks for reading my comment out these films and make sure to check out Finding Dory!

This movie was 10% of my childhood. I was 10 when it came out.

Thanks Pixar. This movie has amazing characters (Nemo and Squirt are my favorite), Brilliant Animation (please keep up the good work Pixar), and an adventurous, amazing plot.

It's a decent family movie but... the fact is when I was watching it with my family it was like I was watching a person who just brainstormed this movie but yeah I would recommend it.

The Contenders

11 Up Up Product Image

This and all the other Pixar films are behind Frozen? I get why they are behind The Lion King, but other than technically not being native-Disney films, there is no reason they should be behind Frozen. Let's face it - Frozen is very overrated and has earned way too much appreciation that it's come to this.

Most recent comment "This movies sucks." I don't care if you hate such an amazing movie but learn some English. The Lion King, Aladdin, Toy Story, and now Up all have hater trolls. Could they all be the same person? The Disney hater troll?

Up is the most heart-warming movie of all time this movie should be in first place.It's the best every family should see this. This movie is all about teamwork I'm going to say I like this movie more than my favorite princess movie Beauty and the Beast.

One of the best movies ever - adventure, humour, and romance. Not over complicated in the most awesome way. It's a heart warming movie. Brilliant and even genius actually.

12 The Incredibles The Incredibles Product Image

You know what, I really love the graphics and the super power effects that they put into this movie to make it stand out from the rest! I mean if I ever had to rate this movie, I would give it a 10, times 10, times 10...You get my point right!?

This Movie is impressive I can watch it every day and I would love to see a second part of it. I really think that it is appropriate to give to a child to watch, it make its view of the world different

I think you have not even seen the film mate, I mean Mulan is not even close to the potential of The Incredibles and even this classic not above Big Hero 6. I think it's a disgrace...

Great movie. Really captured the kid friendly super hero movie but also made it enjoyable for adults. The characters are interesting, and the story is new and compelling. 9/10

13 Wreck-It Ralph Wreck-It Ralph Product Image

How is Frozen higher than this? This movie is seriously underrated. This is one of those films that nobody talks about thanks to frozen. Think about it. It was doing ok until frozen came out. Then everyone loved it and totally forgot about other good movies like this and UP and Cars2 Tangled Toy story 3 Monsters university Big Hero 6. Who talks about these movies anymore? That's right.. NOBODY. Thanks Frozen. You just conquered Pixar. And a few other films. Wreck it Ralph needs a sequel. Do not make a frozen 2. It will conquer all of Disney movies and the rest of the internet.

Things good about this film. Things bad about Frozen
Good plot. Annoying songs ( let it go)
Good characters Annoying characters ( Anna)
Theme is video games Ok story
Lack of action compared to this
Kinda Cheesy
Bland and boring at times

Absolutely my favorite Disney movie. Great plot, great message (we should always be happy with who we are and never change ourselves), great characters and cameos (I love the Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, and Pac Man references! ), and great humor. Instant classic and a great addition to Disney. Frozen, Toy Story, Big Hero 6, and The Incredibles were all great, but this one is my all time favorite.

This my favorite Disney movie ever. This was the time before Frozen came out. This movie had a important message. It was very creative in its own ways too. Everything was just perfect, and it had amazing animation too. Unlike the other movies, this really showed meaning to it. It doesn't matter if you are the "bad guy" or the "good guy," everyone can always share friendships together.

I over 100% want the sequel to be famous, 'because I know it will involve Mario! & he'll cast more lines than usual! I also hope that a Wreck-It-Ralph 3 will be famous & if it was, it'd have Mario in it! & besides, it is a very grand thing they put Aiai from Super Monkey Ball & Pac-Man (though I wanted his Pac-Man Party design) in the original (& only film so far) Wreck-It-Ralph!

14 Toy Story 3 Toy Story 3 Product Image

Most of people like this one the most in the toy story franchise and I can see why. It is my second favorite. And I like it a lot.The humor is as always great but it has emotional moment to. It makes you laugh and cry at the same time. It was an epic ending to a beloved franchise and I just don't understand why they made Toy Story 4(I cried at the end but I felt like that it should have ended with TS3)

It's a good movie.

But if you are like me who grew up with Toy Story 1. You are going to find yourself crying like a baby over this one. (Even if you are a Male like me so beware. )

Rather dark, upsetting scenes and lots of Abandonment...

<:, (

That incinerator scene... that was just theatrical art. This was hands down the best Pixar film ever produced. I have high expectations for Toy Story 4.

Toy Story 3 is one of my favorite movies! The saddest thing about it is that it didn't win Best Picture.

15 Inside Out Inside Out Product Image

An imaginative, hilarious movie with a great main character, who actually has flaws and makes mistakes that she has to learn from, somehow a rarity for disney. It's also a brutally honest depiction of adolescent struggle and the stupidity of forcing yourself to feel a certain emotion.

I consider Inside out the best Disney movie of all time. Every where you look there is a creative new idea. The characters don't feel overly done even though they are an extreme emotion. HOW DO YOU EVEN DO THAT? This movie had me at the edge of my seat wondering what would happen next. *Spoiler* When the main character was running away from home I felt like nothing could defeat that feeling to run free. The ending told us every emotion is needed. I felt the emotions riley was going through and that alone made me cry. I am waiting for a sequel to be honest.

This is the most creative, emotional, moving, original, shocking (in a good way), and absolute BEST movie Disney has ever done. I know there are a TON of older Disney masterpieces like "Beauty and the Beast", "Fantasia", "Mary Poppins", "The Lion King", "Aladdin", etc. But this was made in 2015. Do you know what this means? This means that Disney isn't getting worse, it's getting BETTER. We're getting amazing movies nowadays like "UP", "Wreck-It Ralph", "Big Hero 6", and I heard "Zootopia" was good. This is easily, the BEST Disney movie of al time! 😊

I love Joy's enthusiasm, Sadness' insight, Anger's passion, Fear's exaggerations, and Disgust's sassy. Riley is pretty cool too. And everybody can relate to the pain of moving.

16 The Aristocats The Aristocats Product Image

The Aristocats is a movie that fun and charming. It has great characters, songs, and story. My only downside is that Oliver & Company is the better of Disney's two cat movies. Other than that, this movie is excellent. It deserves it's spot at #7.

AMAZING this film is funny, charming and very agreeable. It has fantastic songs and characters as soon as I set my eyes on the first scene I knew this was (in my opinion) the best film ever!

It is one of the best Disney movies of all times, because it has very good songs, characters and messages to the world. I think the movie is exellent just as all of the other Disney movies! (But this one is one of the absolute best ones)

I love this movie so much and could watch it practically everyday. The characters are great and I love the songs, Everybody wants to be a cat!

17 Pinocchio Pinocchio Product Image

The best Disney was when Walt Disney was in charge! This list was voted on by children based only on what they had seen growing up - nostalgia only. The real artistry was with WALT!

Disney, you made an awesome second movie Bro. I am very happy to watch it when given the time. This Amazing Disney Timeless Second Classic should be much higher then 17.

Amazing Walt Disney's second attempt to create an extremely satisfying movie after Snow White.

Walt Disney is a star and a legend.

Pinocchio is easily the best animated movie of ll time, in my opinion, and deserves to at least be in top 20. Name one true flaw with this movie. exactly. You can't, can you?

18 The Hunchback of Notre Dame The Hunchback of Notre Dame Product Image

While I can clearly see why it isn't number one as it is quite a bit of an acquired taste, I can't help but see this movie as my favorite. The story is interesting, the characters are some the most complex made by Disney, the songs are pretty much all on the scale of the big songs from other Disney movies (Circle of Life, Part of your World, A Whole New World, etc. ), the animation is some of the most refined the studio has ever created, and the voice acting is some of the most passion-filled I've ever heard (Just listen to the Quasimodo section of Out There and then try to tell me I'm wrong).

Everyone is saying that the gargoyles are childish but I completely disagree. It is clear that Quasi is speaking to himself and using his imagination to bring the gargoyles to life in his mind. They represent how he is lonely and longing for company and validation. The gargoyles are a coping mechanism to best maintain his sanity

This is by far the darkest animated Disney film, which is why I love it so much. The characters are so complex, with beautiful animation. The only problem in my opinion, is that when you are given a movie like this, but you throw in childish elements like the gargoyles in the mix, it doesn't really work as these elements don't fit in a movie like this. And yes I know it is for children, but still, the gargoyles didn't work at all in a movie like this, with complex themes, and dark elements. But beyond that, this easily takes second place in my list.

This is my favorite, beauty and the beast after. though true, its an odd film, however contains some form of history (judgement etc) its passionate, and strong, gladly not as dark as very first written by victor Hugo. the voice acting is perfect, and it gives a good message, kind of the same as the beauty and the beast. I love the complicated and complex design of the characters, Esmeralda being a little cocky but also gentle and kind, and Quasimodo who snaps quickly if his emotions go crazy. I love this film, it under rated.

19 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Product Image

This is a great movie. It is the very first one which makes it a timeless classic and sure Snow White was waiting around for Prince Charming to come and rescue her but she still put up with her step mother who hated her, tried to find the best in everyone and was kind and sweet and caring. This film also has one of the best scenes which is when she is running through the forest and the trees come to life. This used to scare the crap out of me when I was younger and I couldn't watch it but I watched it about a year or two ago and I was able to really see how detailed and amazing they made this scene. The dwarfs are also extremely funny, cute and loving characters. I love how this movie really shows a bond between a family because that is what Snow White and the dwarfs are. This film doesn't just focus on the prince and the Snow White, it has more focus on Snow Whites new bond and friendship with the dwarfs and how friends can come in all shapes and sizes

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a beautiful movie. Aside from the fact that it was the first Disney movie and the first-ever feature film, it's very well-written and animated. Honestly, I can't physically understand how anyone could NOT love Snow White. From the first moment we see her she's wonderful. And the dwarfs are hilarious! Their relationship with her is something special. This movie deserves more respect than it gets nowadays��" it's truly classic.

It's animation, music, characters, backgrounds, songs, Horoscope, and villain alone should make it into the top 10. While some people prefer The Lion King, I prefer Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!

No, No, NO! This movie is not only cringed but it's pretty stupid if you ask me. I don't hate it, but I hate the fact that thy think you can just kiss a random corpse in the woods and if she wakes up you marry her on the spot...what

20 Wall-E Wall-E Product Image

Wall-e has without a doubt the best storytelling in any disney/pixar movie, providing stunning animation, impeccable direction, and sweet characters that you can get incredibly invested in without them saying more than a dozen words or so. Truly, this movie is a masterpiece, not sure what else to say.

It's a pity so many people haven't watched Wall-E. I keep on recommending it to people and once they watch it, they love it just the same as I do! Nevertheless, I also didn't watch it for quite a long time, as I wasn't attracted by robots at all, so I understand that people didn't watch it. However, the subject of the destruction of the Earth is very important nowadays and interestingly portrayed here, and emotions are so well executed with so little dialogue. An underrated masterpiece.

Disney showed kids what are world was turning into, this movie was one of a kind nobody had tried to show kids what our future is like if we keep going on and wasting resources. I hope this has an impact on how we value our earth this should be higher up but not in top 10.

I love science fiction movies, except every time I see the disk, I just have very good memories of the movie and then I need to watch it. I can understand why people wouldn't like it, except I think it deserves a better spot than 21 on this list!

21 Monsters, Inc. Monsters, Inc. Product Image

This is the 2nd best film by Disney. The 1st is The Lion King. These films are part of myself.

This should be at least in the top 10 it's an amazing film!

Monsters inc should be higher. It's awesome!

Favorite movie of all time this should be in the top 3!

22 The Jungle Book The Jungle Book Product Image

The Jungle Book is probably one of my favorite movies ever. It's just so interesting and I love it! I am not a fan of the live action movie though... Don't get me wrong, it was a great film but I feel like they could have done more. I love the cartoon one because I have a bit of a soft spot for animated films and this is such a great movie!

This comical , musical , enjoyable , upbeat movie is my all time number one favorite and I really love Baloo and he is a trusted ,loyal friend to Mowgli even Bageraa and I really love the comical Snake Kaa and his great sense of humor and I love the song Bear Necestties

Jungle Book is amazing! I grew up watching and loving this film. I just saw the new Jungle Book, and I think that the new one might even be better than this one. The Jungle Book is my favorite Disney movie. Ever.

Why is The Jungle Book so low? It's the best Disney movie ever? With funny characters, great songs, inspiring dialogues and memorable moments. It should be at least in the top 10!

23 Bambi Bambi Product Image

I really love this movie so much , I really love all of the music and it has great songs like my favorite April showers ! Bambi is a wonderful must watch because it filled with humor and making new friends and it has challenges to face like the forest fire , and man ! This is my all time favorite movie

When I watched this movie, the very first scene (opening credits) made me cry! And not because it was sad, in fact, it's because the opening credits has the most beautiful opening song ever! Also, I looked it up (the song "Love is a Song") in other languages on YouTube, and the German version is even MORE beautiful! In German they call it "Liebe ist mehr als nur ein Wort" which means "Love is More Than Just a Word". It goes like this:

Love is more than just a word
Love doesn't know any borders
It forgives, it is as beautiful as music
and makes life so beautiful
Love is more than just a word
Loves makes eyes shine
It is unostentatious, it is as gentle as music
and it will never pass!

For a comparison, the original goes:

Love is a song that never ends
Life may be swift and fleeting
Hope may die yet love's beautiful music
Comes each day like the dawn
Love is a song that never ends
One simple theme repeating
Like the voice of a ...more

Really. Just... Really? Walt Disney's most beautiful beloved classic with top notch animation is 42? (laugh out loud the movie was made in 1942) but anyways. It's under Frozen? Really?! It's under Up and Toy Story which are Pixar films?! And it's under *pukes in mouth* The Princess Diaries, Brave, Teen Beach Movie? And Hannah Montana? I agree with the comment on Aladdin by Disney1959, this list is garbage.

Bambi is the most beautiful movie ever made. It should be #2 after Dumbo. It teaches us the importance of nature and what happens when people don't put out fires. It was the first environmental movie ever made. Even Walt Disney himself considered this the best movie he ever made.

24 Toy Story 2 Toy Story 2 Product Image

Toy story 2 is a movie with great comedy and character drama in equal measure, and comes together into an amazing introspective journey that still manages to be fun at the end of the day.

My favorite of the franchise! I don't know why but I like this one the best. Probably my favorite Pixar movie too. I like movies where I can cry and laugh and this is one of them. OK, maybe this not as sad as TS3 but it still makes me cry.

I also think Stinky Pete is a good villain and like in TS3 and TS4 I felt bad for the villain.

I've never understood why Toy Story 2 doesn't get the respect it deserves. People often think of it as "average" and inferior to 1 & 3. I completely disagree. I think it's much better than 3, and easily on par with 1.

This was the first Toy Story I watched, so it holds more emotional ties to me.

25 Frozen Frozen Product Image

I can get why a lot of people like this movie, but it isn't as good as the real classics. A lot of people would rather be Elsa than Anna, but most of those people just want her fancy dress and ice powers over happiness and optimism. I feel like this movie is telling me that you have to be born special to have the adventure of a life time or know someone special, a lot of things discourage me this way but I guess I don't like this movie as much as others because of how much it discourages me. This movie is pretty cool, but it makes me sad because I'm just 12 and my mom is going to make me become a doctor when I grow up but I want to do something else with all of my heart, becoming an author and finally seeing my old friends that I haven't seen or talked to for a whole year. I just wish that there would be more movies that teach us that we should be who we are and and we don't have to be beautiful or born into something special.

Like the Movie not for Elsa, but the art style, and the environment. The character models looks a lot like in Tangled, just different shapes. The plot is alright, Disney could've came up With a far far better plot, than the plot that already is. But this made it to the top in global popularity, not because of Elsa, or the ice Powers. It's mostly because of the song Let It Go. It's not too bad of a song, in my opinion, having in mind, that it has been rated the best, non-Pixar song or whatever that Disney has ever made. But thinking of all the 'mistakes' that I could spy With my eye, it is in a way one of the laziest Movies Disney has ever made. They could really get their heads up a little more when they made this Movie. If they did, I think this would might be, the best animated Movie in existence. But honestly I like this Movie a lot. It's not like I want to watch it over and over, it's more like something With the characters in the Movie, that caught my eye. I can't really explain ...more

Frozen is a movie that has many values: from self-control to true and pure love. This movie teaches us to be who we are, and let no one interfere with ourselves as long as we don't hurt anybody around us. It also tells us to control our emotions and govern our entire self, so we cannot hurt ourselves and others. We also learn from here that all of us can turn our flaws into brilliant stone that can shine within our hearts. Like Elsa, we can turn our negativities into something that can make other people happy. Frozen also proves that true love does not mean that it comes from romance, but within our own families instead.Like Anna, we must be courageous to face every storm of our life, because in the end we can achieve a warm summer of happiness. With this, we know that we have a high value in our world. That is how Frozen became a real teacher to the changing and modern environment around us...

For me, this movie blew my mind. It started right off the bat being an epic musical. I really felt for Elsa's character and when the Let It Go scene happened, it was like a huge release. Then the scene only escalates with the ice palace being built. I had to pause it after that scene. Then, the movie never reached that peak again, but we got to the troll song and for awhile, I was really confused at where the plot was going. They were trying to set up Anna with Kristoff when Hans seemed like a really good guy. But then, plot twist. So then, Kristoff was the act of true love, or so it seemed. It was a struggle watching them try to find each other on the ice, but to my surprise, it was actually the love between the two sisters. And that, was good, it fooled me twice. Now of the other twists in recent Disney movies got me like this, except for the Turbo twist. And the movie explains in the first song, the Frozen Heart, what the solution was. It's really an art how they set up this story. ...more

List of Disney Movies in the 2000s


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